NACCE Announces 2022 Entrepreneurial College and President of the Year Awards


Boston, MA, October 04, 2022 –(– The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE), the nation’s leading organization focused on promoting entrepreneurship through community colleges, has named Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC) in Henderson, North Carolina, as the 2022 “Heather Van Sickle Entrepreneurial College of the Year.” James Murdaugh, Ph.D., president of Tallahassee Community College, (TCC) in Tallahassee, FL, has been named NACCE’s 2022 “Entrepreneurial President of the Year.”

The awards were announced at NACCE’s Annual Conference, now underway in Boston, where NACCE celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. NACCE was founded on the campus of Springfield Technical Community College in Springfield, MA in 2002.

2020 Heather Van Sickle Entrepreneurial College Award
Vance-Granville Community College’s selection as NACCE’s 2022 Entrepreneurial College of the Year attests to the leadership of President Rachel Desmarais, Ph.D., who has steadily expanded the college’s entrepreneurial initiatives. In 2021, President Desmarais signed NACCE’s Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge (PFEP), committing the college to five action steps designed to create economic vitality through entrepreneurship. Among an array of other entrepreneurial initiatives, the college also hosted an innovative entrepreneurship youth camp called “Be a ‘Trep” (short for entrepreneur) for area middle school students aspiring to be entrepreneurs.

“Through innovative events hosted by Vance-Granville’s Small Business Center and other entrepreneurial programming, the college has demonstrated its commitment to promoting entrepreneurship throughout the region it serves,” said Rebecca Corbin, Ed.D.,president and CEO of NACCE. “It is a pleasure to recognize this outstanding college, which was selected by an independent judging panel, as the winner of NACCE’s 2022 Entrepreneurial College of the Year Award.”

2022 Entrepreneurial President Award
James Murdaugh, Ph.D., was named NACCE’s 2022 Entrepreneurial President of the Year for his leadership in entrepreneurial endeavors at Tallahassee Community College. A few examples include:

· Creation of “TCC Spark,” a program that focuses on equipping student entrepreneurs with the skills, tools, and connections needed to start and grow successful businesses;

· Launching the Wakulla Environmental Institute that spurred the creation of the Oyster Aquaculture industry in Florida. The program is responsible for the start-up of over 100 businesses and the creation of more than 300 new jobs in the local area;

· Hosting of “Entrepreneurship Educators Meet-ups,” linking educators across the country to share insights about entrepreneurship education.

“We are proud to honor President Murdaugh with NACCE’s Entrepreneurial President of the Year Award for 2022,” said Corbin. “Through his steadfast commitment to infusing entrepreneurial thinking and action through innovative programs at TCC, he shines a national spotlight on the value of entrepreneurial curriculum and programming among community colleges and beyond.”

NACCE is an organization of educators, administrators, presidents, and entrepreneurs focused on igniting entrepreneurship in their communities and campuses. NACCE has two main goals: to empower college leaders to approach the business of running a community college with an entrepreneurial mindset and to augment the community college’s role in supporting job creation and entrepreneurs in their local ecosystems. NACCE has over 340 member colleges, representing nearly 2,000 members and approximately 3.3 million students. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter at @NACCE, like us on Facebook, and join our LinkedIn group.


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Discover the Future of Gaming with Augmented Reality

As technology continues to advance, so does the world of gaming. One of the latest and most exciting developments in the gaming industry is augmented reality (AR). AR is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images or information onto a user’s view of the real world. This enables gamers to interact with virtual objects and characters in a way that is completely immersive and realistic.

AR has enormous potential for the gaming industry and is already being used in a number of popular games. One of the most well-known examples of AR gaming is Pokémon GO. This game uses AR technology to allow players to capture and collect Pokémon in the real world. The game has been a huge success and has attracted millions of players worldwide, demonstrating the huge potential of AR gaming.

Another example of AR gaming is the game Ingress. This game has a similar concept to Pokémon GO, but the game’s storyline is centered around a battle between two factions who are fighting for control of real-world landmarks. Players must capture these landmarks and hold them for their faction, making the game a highly interactive experience.

The potential for AR gaming is virtually limitless. With advances in technology, we can create even more interactive and immersive experiences for gamers. For example, it’s easy to imagine a future where gamers can explore virtual worlds overlaid onto their real-world environment. Gamers will be able to enter virtual reality games that blend seamlessly with their real environment, creating a completely immersive experience.

Another exciting development is the use of AR in educational games. AR has the potential to make learning fun and engaging, providing an immersive and interactive environment that can help students learn complex concepts in a more accessible way.

Overall, the future of gaming with augmented reality is incredibly exciting. As we continue to develop this technology, we can expect to see even more immersive and interactive experiences that will revolutionize the gaming industry. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, AR gaming is an experience that you won’t want to miss out on. So go out and discover the future of gaming with augmented reality – you won’t be disappointed.

Gary Vaynerchuk Predicts NFTs Will Have More Utility Than Mere Collectibles.

The podcast called “Chain Reaction” explores the latest trends, news, and drama in the world of crypto. The host, Jacquelyn, recently interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, VeeFriends NFT collection, and chairman of VaynerX for the latest episode. Originally, Vaynerchuk wanted to create a line of desktop toys, but COVID-19 happened and the NFT boom began. Vaynerchuk merged his plan with NFTs to create a positive virtual platform with real-life utility.

Vaynerchuk doesn’t think that expanding intellectual property beyond the digital world through toys and apparel is the right move for every NFT project. However, he thinks ticketing, contracts, and title insurance will be the route forward for NFT growth. In 20 years, people will see NFTs more broadly rather than only as collectibles.

Apart from talking about NFTs, Vaynerchuk’s prior achievements were also discussed, such as founding VaynerMedia and his investments in Twitter, Venmo, and Facebook. The podcast releases every other Thursday and is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other platforms.

Spyra Beauty, Inc. Reimagines Beauty


San Jose, CA, October 05, 2022 –(– Spyra Beauty, Inc. is a Delaware corporation based in Silicon Valley. The company is working to build cosmetic and beauty product applications for smartphones and personal computers.

Computer scientists Annirudh Ankola and Joseph Alarid and investment banker Peter Coe Verbica founded Spyra Beauty, Inc. in 2022. The company states that it is “reimagining the world of beauty.”

For more information on the company, please go to

“Spyra” is a trademark of Spyra Beauty, Inc.

(Photo source: Spyra Beauty, Inc. The apple icon is a trademark of Apple, Inc.)


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Full $7,500 tax credit now available for all new Model 3s, announces Tesla

The Tesla website has been updated to reflect that all new Model 3 vehicles will now qualify for the full $7,500 federal EV tax credit. This tax credit was introduced by Congress in August 2022 as part of the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce US reliance on China for batteries. The credit is split into two parts, with 50% of the value of battery components needing to be produced or assembled in North America to qualify for half, or $3,750, of the credit. The other half requires 40% of the value of critical materials to be sourced from the US or a free trade agreement country. The Treasury Dept. began enforcing the critical material sourcing requirement on April 18, leading to many vehicle models, including the Model 3, losing the full tax credits they were previously eligible for. However, Tesla’s Model 3 long-range all-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive will now qualify for the full tax credit, and the Model 3 rear-wheel drive will start at $32,740 with the credit. Although Tesla has not indicated why the eligibility for tax credits has changed, CEO Elon Musk has retweeted a screenshot of the website that displays the tax credits available for each vehicle. However, the Treasury Dept.’s website has not yet been updated to reflect Tesla’s increased eligibility for tax credits.