Could One UX Adtech Concept Potentially Flip the Script for Video Advertising?


New York, NY, September 24, 2022 –(– The albeit, early-stage UX Adtech concept (CASPAD) is claimed to offer users a greater degree of control as to how they are presented with video advertising via mobile, online and eventually connected TV. This increases the level of control, offering to substantially increase the quality of a user’s connected experience as it relates to video advertising.

The Concept’s creator, UX ADNET, claims from its findings to date that the increase in quality of user experience will have a direct positive impact on ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) and other important metrics, while bolstering brand safety and also first-party data strategies.

Should UX ADNET’s claims be borne out, it could signal that there is potentially a real commercial incentive to create more truly user-centric Adtech; that benefits, of course, the users, but also advertisers, publishers and the Industry as a whole.

Anthony French, creator of UX ADNET, recently put it this way: “Many of the largest, most influential companies and brands in the world are heavily invested in video advertising. The industry itself embraces the importance of User Experience (UX), yet Adtech solutions, which at their core, demonstrably value the user’s connected experience remain scarce. We see this as potentially a big opportunity, bearing in mind how much user needs and expectations have evolved over time, coupled with the growing importance of first-party data.”

French was quick to point out, however: “Much as we see the likely value in our concept, it is nonetheless still in the very early stages; we are, therefore, seeking a partner to help more fully validate and test the concept’s potential applications.”

This, however, is not the end of the story.

Despite the fact that UX ADNET is very new on the scene and is without a history of creating Adtech concepts or solutions of any kind, it already appears on Google page one for Adtech concepts, Video Adtech concepts, UX Adtech, and other searches.

The potential significance of this is, of course, subject to speculation. Yet, UX Adtech that promises at least to genuinely value the experience of the user and that also unlocks new commercial benefits for advertisers and publishers, could be a welcome message to those companies heavily invested in the future growth of video advertising. This, bearing in mind, also, the need for the industry to regain the trust of largely ad-sick users, which is nothing if not topical.

The team at UX ADNET is currently looking to make contact with a development partner who is best able to visualize and prove the concept’s true potential, under an engagement model based on the partner owning outright all IP created. This would be in return for UX ADNET receiving a nominal share of revenues created from any solution.

Those who represent an organization connected to the provision of Video Adtech Solutions, Video Advertising Services, Platforms or a related area, and would like to find out more about CASPAD with a view to potentially working with UX ADNET, may start here:

UX ADNET creates UX Adtech concepts that truly and demonstrably value the experience of device users. The UX ADNET site was created to elevate the profile of CASPAD, its core UX Adtech concept, a concept originally showcased on


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How Robotics is Revolutionizing the Future of Work

The use of robots in the workplace has been gaining momentum in recent years, with many companies starting to integrate robotics into their operations. The benefits of this integration are starting to show, as robotics is revolutionizing the future of work in many ways.

One of the most significant ways that robotics is changing the future of work is by increasing efficiency. Robots can work 24/7 without needing breaks or rest, which means that production can continue at a much faster pace. This has resulted in increased productivity and profitability for companies that have implemented robotics into their operations.

Another significant benefit of using robots in the workplace is safety. Robots can perform dangerous tasks that would be too risky for humans to do. They can work in hazardous environments like factories, mines, and construction sites, where there is a risk of injury or even death for human workers. This has resulted in a reduction in workplace accidents and injuries, improving the overall safety of workplaces.

Additionally, robotics is providing a solution to the labor shortage in many industries. With the aging workforce and fewer people entering the workforce, companies are struggling to find skilled workers to fill job vacancies. This has resulted in some industries turning to robotics to perform tasks that are repetitive, laborious, and require specialized skills that are difficult to find in the workforce.

The use of robotics is also changing the work dynamic by creating new job opportunities. As robotics evolves, job opportunities in fields such as robotics programming, robotics engineering, and robotics maintenance are emerging. These jobs require specialized skills that are in high demand and offer promising career opportunities.

While some may fear that the rise of robotics will result in job loss for humans, the reality is that it will create new job opportunities and increased efficiency, ultimately leading to a healthier economy. While robots can perform some tasks with greater efficiency, there are still many tasks that require human creativity, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. These are qualities that robots cannot replicate, and for these tasks, humans will always be needed.

In conclusion, the use of robotics in the workplace is revolutionizing the future of work by increasing efficiency, improving safety, providing solutions to labor shortages, and creating new job opportunities. While there are concerns about the impact of robotics on the workforce, the reality is that it will ultimately lead to a healthier economy and a better work-life balance for humans. As robotics continues to develop, the possibilities for the future of work are endless.

What Sequoia has done to itself is what the Biden administration plans for Google.

Mary Ann and Alex returned to the show and invited Jacquie from TechCrunch as a guest for the week. The Equity crew encouraged listeners to participate in the Equity listener survey while discussing the latest news in the tech industry. The week was quite busy, with updates on WWDC, Amazon’s partnership with Affirm, and Cava’s upcoming IPO. The show also covered the SEC’s actions against crypto exchanges and Sequoia’s rebranding of its units. Additionally, the hosts explored the impact of real estate on the climate crisis. The next week’s show will be on vacation before returning with more episodes. The show can be accessed on various platforms like Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, and more. TechCrunch has other shows on crypto, founder interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories. Episode transcripts and more information can be found on Equity’s Simplecast website.

London Business BizGees to Discuss Countering Fake News Using Peer to Peer Engagements at the Sharing Economy Global Summit, 11-13 Oct.; Hosted at Lloyd’s of London


London, United Kingdom, September 25, 2022 –(– BizGees’s co-founder Zulfiqar Deo will speak at the coming Sharing Economy Global conference organised by MarketPlace Risk. MarketPlace Risk organises the only conference focused on risk management, trust & safety, compliance and legal strategy for the marketplace startup industry. The Sharing Economy Global Summit is sponsored by ANON, Verify, Mastercard, Tint, Tipalti, Trulioo, Unit 21, Active Fence, iBoot, CBI, and Sharing Economy UK, among others.

Zulfiqar Deo will be discussing the BizGees approach of working with student journalists to inform and educate their GenZ peer groups about the issues and concerns of refugees and post conflict communities across the world. To date, they have worked with 50 plus students from Oxford University and the War Studies Department, King’s College in London over the last 18 months. These articles have also been reposted by Adamah Media to inform and educate their readership as well.

You can find this knowledge-base below on the BizGees website:
– Refugee Issue articles
– Post conflict articles

About BizGees

BizGees is a fintech start-up that provides funding to post-conflict communities using sponsorship and sales of artisanal products. Winners of the Infosys Challenge – UNICEF FinTech Jam for Good. BizGees have a footprint on 4 different continents generating a five-fold impact.

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Wing’s Reconsideration of Drone Delivery Strategy Triggered by Curbside Pickup Implementation

The use of drone delivery for e-commerce still seems like a far-fetched idea for scalability, but it has been successfully implemented in smaller, controlled areas such as the Google satellite campus in the Palo Alto foothills. The buildings in this area are home to companies like Nest and Wing, which are divisions of Google. Wing is responsible for the fixed-wing drones commonly seen hovering above the area. The company has been focusing on delivering to dense suburban areas as this is where demand for delivery skyrocketed during the pandemic. Wing has now developed a passive system called the AutoLoader that allows customers to receive their deliveries through curbside pickup without an employee present. The drone will hover above the AutoLoader, lowering a tether to pick up the package before dropping it at the pickup spot determined by the customer. Wing plans to roll out the AutoLoader by the end of the year in some parts of their operation, with full implementation by mid-next year. The company has completed over 340,000 deliveries and has built thousands of drones. Australia is the primary market with the highest number of deliveries, followed by the US with Europe being a distant third.