Hay There Social Media Teams Up with That Darn Chat to Add Fair Play’s Approach to Its Social Media Curriculum, and Support Women Holistically

Hay There Social Media’s offering is a proven 6-week, 13 module training delivered entirely online and on-demand which prepares women across the U.S. to confidently deliver social media marketing services. In February 2023, Hay There is excited to launch a 14th module to their core curriculum, hosted by Fair Play Facilitator, Laura Danger. This session will incorporate Laura’s expertise to refocus how we view the value of our time, as caregivers and as professionals.
The caregiving crisis that forced women en masse out of the workforce during the pandemic did more than just directly and adversely affect the economy, it solidified a widely held misbelief that women ultimately are expendable professionally and expatriated to assume the majority of unpaid labor in the home. Eve Rodsky’s acclaimed book, Fair Play, shines a light on the gender gap in domestic responsibilities and offers a system to address household tasks in an equitable way that allows women to reclaim and redefine the value of their time. Professional women today are looking for ways to find flexibility, fulfillment and financial independence and the transferable skills Hay There’s training provides gives women looking for a career pivot, new entrepreneurial opportunities or career re-entry a proven path to follow in the in-demand field of social media marketing. Navigating the changing landscape by proactively enhancing your range of skills affords you access to more opportunities. More options = more power.
Emily A. Hay, Hay There Founder and CEO, is an advocate for systems. She and her husband shared their journey to find a fair division of invisible labor in their household in the FAIR PLAY Documentary. Hay and Danger’s integral roles in the Fair Play orbit provide a unique opportunity for enrollees to hear from the front lines of a domestic labor movement.
Laura Danger is no stranger to producing forward thinking curriculum. Danger is a contributor to the newly launched “Home Eq[uity]” initiative with Fair Play, and Procter & Gamble that ensures school-aged children are taught solutions to domestic labor inequities via school curriculum, and will bring her multifaceted perspective to this content custom created for independent Hay There Social Media managers.
Hay There Social Media’s Core Training is a new work system designed for the future of work using the processes, best practices and unique methods Hay There has used to deliver client work for over a decade. From burst capacity to back-fill to burnout relief and skill infusion: social media marketing is the #1 in-demand freelance marketing skill (TechRepublic) and independent Hay There Social Media managers are equipped with transferable knowledge that can be deployed quickly and has valuable staying power.
“CNNMoney has named Social Media Marketing as its top 50 careers with big growth, great pay and satisfying work. Through our collaboration with That Darn Chat, we take our reach even further to provide women with a corresponding method for tackling inequity and other challenges at home. Laura Danger is an influential Fair Play Facilitator and advocate for the very women she will teach in our training, and is sure to become a valuable resource to them as they learn a different approach to managing their professional growth and domestic labor,” says Emily A. Hay, Founder & CEO of Hay There Social Media.
Danger says, “I am thrilled to share the Fair Play movement, which is changing the world, with the brave caregivers that embraced learning a new skill set with the team at Hay There Social Media. Our collaboration is just one way both @thatdarnchat and Hay There advocate to raise awareness about a truly viable professional work from home system women can maximize by understanding the fair play method, and provide a more equitable life for all.”
“We are so honored to be able to team up with Laura Danger of @thatdarnchat to empower women with content that I know firsthand can change their lives in many different ways,” says Emily A. Hay, Founder & CEO of Hay There. “We are stepping up to support women together in a holistic way with systems for both work and home.”
The FAIR PLAY Documentary, produced by Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine, written and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom (First Partner of California & Founder of The Representation Project) and based on the NYTimes Bestselling book by Eve Rodsky. The documentary is available on Hulu, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, VUDU, YouTube and other video streaming services.
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