SigmaOS Introduces a Browser-Based Contextual AI Assistant

The startup SigmaOS has launched its own AI assistant called Airis, which is a feature that is integrated into the company’s web browser. Airis is designed to understand the context of pages and provide answers based on that, so users can ask questions about a particular topic without having to clarify what they are asking about. Airis can also rewrite or reword sentences and paragraphs with options like “Make it simpler” or “Write it like a cat.” It can also effectively translate articles and webpages in multiple languages using the GPT-3.5-Turbo model. SigmaOS intends to train Airis to understand whole websites in the future. Airis is currently based on OpenAI technology, but the team is open to integrating other models as well. Other companies, such as Microsoft, Opera, and Mozilla, are also experimenting with integrating chatbots into their web browsers. Currently, interested users can sign up for a waitlist to gain access to Airis.

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