First Patient Enrolled In Thrombolex’s RESCUE II Study – On-Table Pharmacomechanical Lysis Without Post-Procedural Infusion

Dr. Parth Rali, the PI of the RESCUE II study and Associate Professor of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University commented, “It was exciting to see a dramatic on-table hemodynamic improvement in a patient with a low cardiac index using the RESCUE II protocol. This approach may eliminate the need for an ICU stay, which would be a boon to the overburdened health systems and open the technology to a much wider array of hospitals, including those that do not have intensive care units.” Dr. Riyaz Bashir, Professor of Medicine at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, commented, “We are pleased to enroll the first patient in the RESCUE II study and are very encouraged by the clinical and hemodynamic response with this novel PML approach. This logical next step in advancing this therapy could be another significant milestone following the recently published RESCUE trial.” The RESCUE trial enrolled 109 patients with intermediate-risk PE at 18 US hospitals. It showed unsurpassed efficacy and safety in this patient population compared to recently published studies with other FDA-cleared devices.
About Thrombolex, Inc.
Founded in 2016, Thrombolex is engaged in the design, development, and distribution of innovative endovascular catheters used in interventional procedures, particularly in pharmacomechanical lysis (PML) in patients who suffer from arterial and venous thromboembolic (A&VTE) conditions. The Company is currently marketing eight (8) different FDA-cleared devices based on the BASHIR™ Endovascular Catheter platform technology.
For More Information: Please contact Dr. Brian Firth, Chief Scientific Officer or visit our website
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