Startup Launches a New Tool to Protect Vulnerable Adults


Chambersburg, PA, November 17, 2022 –(– Nearly eighteen million people currently have court-appointed guardians or a power of attorney in the United States alone. These decision-makers for elderly or incapacitated individuals, are held accountable for maintaining detailed records of every action taken on behalf of the person. At the risk of personal liability, fines and family discord, these records must be transparent and made available to the courts, nursing homes, and social security administrators, as well as family members.

Under the leadership of Nancy Meyers, a Pennsylvania attorney, the team at Advocord developed a mobile responsive, web-based software platform that is a compliance tool that effectively protects those who have a fiduciary/legal obligation to act on the behalf of another. Advocord features information/document storage, organization, report generation, time tracking, and information sharing, while also linking to the company’s compiled educational resources.

Most importantly, however, Advocord builds a record of information to better protect the person being cared for – some of our most vulnerable individuals. “It was very important to me that the system I created was always centered around what is best for the person in need of assistance,” said Nancy. Therefore, Advocord is designed to guide the advocate to gather a complete record of all information needed to make good decisions on the other person’s behalf.

These features have caused investors to take notice as well. To date, investors have put up more than $2 million toward the development and commercialization of the product. Attorney Meyers commented, “Through my work with guardianship and power of attorney clients for more than 17 years, I recognized the need for an easy-to-use, automated process that would remove the complications and risks associated with a paper or manual system of record keeping.”

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